Coming Attractions

Coming soon!

Here, hidden within the depths of my portfolio are the coming attractions - coming soon to my demo reel.

Check back often to see my work unfold right before your eyes. Be sure to click on each scene to see more!

But, uh oh,
Those Summer Nights

Based on Pixar's Luca

If I Can Dream

Ode to Elvis

Abominable Snow-moon

Based on DreamWorks' Abominable

Behind the Scenes

I love seeing the behind-the-scenes of films! Watching them transcends the mind and starts to seep into the soul giving a deeper connection to the film. Not only does it give an insight into the work that creates the masterpiece seen on the big screen, but allows one to get into the minds and hearts of the artists.

That is what made me pursue working in this industry.

Now I invite you into my mind and soul. Follow my journey as I create each scene - how each challenge is overcome, then relish the triumphs that make it all worthwhile.

